Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sometime Moms Don't Think

Last night we hauled Cheyenne to another place to get up off the ice. Hopefully, it will make her a lot more comfortable. She is at least in a dry place and she wont have snow packed in her feet.

I was supposed to leave work at 5:00 so that we could haul. However, I was on a conference call with Japan that went 45 minutes over. So I left work really late to be taking her at night. I drove really fast home. While I was driving home, I was only thinking about being late and that we needed to hurry. I was not even considering that moving this horse would be difficult for Brent.

When I got home, Brent was not ready to go. He did not even have his socks or shoes on. So instead of being patient and finding out what was really going on, I just got mad and told him to get upstairs and get his stuff done. I told him I was leaving him home if he was not ready in five minutes. So we go and get the horse loaded and still no Brent. I came back in and he was crying and upset. Instead of making sure he was ok, I just got more mad. Then I really yelled. I though he was upset about his video game. I never really stopped to think he may be upset about hauling the horse away. Sometimes moms can be so dumb.

On the way over, I apologized for yelling. I explained that we needed to be places and he had plenty of time to be ready. I still had not thought about why he was upset. Brent did not sleep at all last night. He has chronic nightmares anyway. It took until this morning for me to get a clue. I guess we all get in that place where we are only thinking about what we are feeling or what is bothering us. My only concern last night is that I was late. However, Brent was just sad that we had to haul her away. In this fast pace, we just need to stop and think.

Children are all about patience and understanding. They teach you the greatest lessons of life.

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