Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sorry for the last post, sometimes hormones cause you to be terribly honest.

This week has been crazy busy. We are putting on a rodeo in 2 weeks and it is crunch time. Getting all of the enteries in, prizes finalized, stock contracted and help arranged. Plus I still have to work full time, get the kids to school, and do normal mom stuff.

Today I am feeling a little anxious. I don't normally have anxiety but pretty stressed this week.Brent has a junior high rodeo in Tooele this week and it is Racheal's Junior Prom. So I imagine the week is just going to get more hectic. Trying to stay positive.

1 comment:

tallgirl said...

hey your good, take a moment tonight to relax, and meditate before drifting off to sleep. Let your mind take you to somewhere quiet, peaceful, no stress!!!! Then open the flood gates tommarow, you r awesome, u do so much for others, we appreciate all you do!!!! ww