While we were at the rodeo in Herriman, Michelle and her daughters Maliyah and Macenzie came to watch and play with the horses. The cutest thing all day was Maliyah with the rope and the calf roping dummy. She watched Racheal for a minute and then she thought she could do it. It was hysterical watching her try to get it around the neck. Racheal was trying to help her fix her rope.
She thought she was as big as the big girls. Look at them carrying their ropes.
We went to our first Junior High Rodeo of the season in September. I am not really sure that we should have went. You will understand shortly.
Thursday Brent came home from school really sick to his stomach. He threw up a couple of times and had horrible cramps. He was still sick Friday morning. Friday we gave him the choice to go to the rodeo or stay in bed. He had entered the rodeo with a partner for Team Roping and Ribbon Roping. So he decide to cowboy up and rodeo anyway.
On the way there I picked him up some Gatorade, stomach medicine and bananas. He hardly ate anything. I did make sure he kept drinking. Racheal took good care of him too. She saddle all of his horses and got them warmed up for him. So all he had to do was go out and do each event.
On Friday he goat tied in 14 seconds even sick. He did miss in the Breakaway and Ribbon Roping.
He was sick all night Friday. So I really thought we should just go home for Saturday. But he stuck it out again. I am not sure how he could be living on just Gatorade and a couple bites of food let alone competing. Saturday was a much better rodeo for him. He started team roping this year with Rhett. They are above. This was their first rodeo together and they won the Team Roping. Here is a picture of their winning run. Here is Brent coming out of the box in Breakaway Roping. I really liked this picture. He should have caught but he rolled the rope right off. So I was proud that he stuck it out. But as a mom I really wanted to just put him in bed and take extra care of him until he felt better.
So we made it to Pueblo Colorado. First we had to check in and find our camping spot. But the kids just wanted to go and see everything. So as soon as the horses were unloaded and put in their stalls, we started wandering.
There are a lot of vendors and things for the kids to do beside just compete. They had a dummy roping contest. I think this is where Brent spent the majority of his free time. That night we had a mandatory contestant meeting. Here is the sign that says we made it to Nationals. I know I am a photo geek. Here is Brent at his first Nationals. The kids were so amped that first day. Here is Racheal on the first day. I think she was mostly just nervous and trying not to let it show. This is the group we traveled with. Hagen is missing because he was following some cute girl around. All of them had a blast for the next week hanging out together and cheering for one another. More pictures and details to come.