Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tagged (Really?)

So I have been tagged to list 7 interesting things about me. I will try to come up with things that people who are around me regularly may not know.

1) I grew up in Las Vegas. I spent most weekends and all of my summers on a ranch on the Arizona strip riding horses and chasing wild cows.
2) Both of my children are adopted. Most people who find out can not beleive it.
3) I am not a member of any church. I am spiritual person. But I do not like organized religion.
4) I am truly an independent and not registered as a Republican or a Democrat. I think they both get it wrong.
5) I hate the cold. I love the warm sun. I could live in 90 degree heat year round.
6) I want to move to a foreign country for a year at least once in my life. I have traveled to a couple of different countries for work. It always amazes me how people are so different but so much the same.
7) I never went to Disneyland as a kid. So when my kids were old enough, I took them 3 times in 2 years! I also spent more time in the park than either of them did!


Dan,Lisa,Zeak,Jake,Kaci said...

I love learning things about people. You think you know someone then you realize you really don't. I'm glad Wendy tagged us!

tallgirl said...

great tag friend, I didn't know all of those interesting facts, good to be informed. Dixon says hi and he loves the new info he has learned he says there smashing!!!!!!!!! tall girl

Shauna Winter said...

Teresa...great tag!!! I think I knew most of that...maybe you should be concerned about a stalker???? lol jk Love ya Teresa